Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 3

There has quite literately been a population explosion in the micro aquarium, this past week. Evidence of growth and death is everywhere, in the form of shells and corpses which litter the bottom layer in abundance. There has been some but not much plant growth. The growth trend seems to be in the form of organisms getting larger, and in so doing, praying on what few smaller organisms are left. I saw several copepods this week , compared to last where I only recalled seeing one. Ive now seen several annelids, which are long worm like creatures. I have no idea where they came from as I haven't seen them up to this point. I accidentally spilled some f the water out of the aquarium, while moving it form the microscope to it's upright position. I'm interested to see what, if any impact the spilled water has on the rest of the environment in the aquarium.

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